A state of humanity that puts up the struggle together and alone, with heart and soul –this saying ‘heart and soul’ translates as ‘with life and head' in the Turkish language.

The human being, who is not able to carry the load of history and of what ‘the head’ insists upon, finds the solution in getting rid of its own head. **  The word 'minister' in the Turkish language has the word 'head' at its root. If we apply this logic in the English Language the word would be: ‘headester’ instead of a minister.

Yet, how would it be possible to live headlessly? Living without the head, without the headache.

To sustain life without dying or just dying; not insisting on life?

The Cut Heads mentioned in Zeynep Sayın’s book Ölüm Terbiyesi [Death Training] are rebellious heroes who go away (the saying 'go away' in Turkish translates with add on as 'go away by taking one’s head with them') even after having their head cut off and they continue living by carrying their heads under their arms -- similar to headless roaches –

The reason they are called heroes is that even when they actually face death they don’t resist dying; particularly as opposed to living a lifeless life that is tamed by those who are the head of the social contract.

“They move and relate differently and thereby undoubtedly test, stretch and challenge the system.”
(Michael Klein, Laboratory for Social Choreography at the Kenan Institute of Ethics, Duke University MFA in Dance).

Although in our supposedly civilised systems, cutting off as a way for punishment doesn't exist anymore our life situation on this planet tends to create a division between our heads and our bodies. This is a narrative of our tense state of limbo between bearing the consequences and not being able to go away, of our state of not being able to die, not being able to live and being so mobile that we cannot settle down.

As a narrative, it whispers a new social potential by restoring the sensory and emotional values that are rooted in our bodily experiences.




The Process of the Performance ︎︎︎

Performance Recording ︎︎︎

Shortened Recording ︎︎︎


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